It has been a difficult week since the arrival of my Polaroid film, waiting for a sunny day so I could play with my new purchase.
My intention had been to take photographs in the studio of the objects that I had collected from the beach on my recent visit to Orkney. The studio was sunny, but unfortunately not sunny enough to take decent indoor pictures. Not only where the lighting conditions wrong, I also discovered that the close up images where out of focus and the parallax error frustratingly bad. Three shit photographs later and not to be beaten I decided it was time change track and go for a walk along the Barry Buddon in a bid to better understand the parameters of my Polaroid 640. With only five frames left wise shooting decisions where required. At the end of the walk I had two photographs that I was happy with. More importantly though I had a better understanding of how to use the camera. One thing that didn't disappoint on every shot was the 'ka chink, duuuuunnnnk' on every depression of the shutter release. Film junkie that I am, I am desperate for my next pun intended ;) Comments are closed.
July 2024