Oonagh Devoy, Merlyn Riggs, Julie Green and Fiona Stephen Friday morning 6 am saw me being rudely awakened by my traditional bell alarm clock. The night before had seen me sort out all that I needed to set up my PG Diploma Show at Gray's. The only worry now was that the treacherous weather may disrupt my journey northwards. The drive to Stonehaven was very windy. Many branches littered the road and the high winds made passing lorries hairy. Destination reached I transferred my belongings to my fellow classmates car, Fiona Stephen, then we headed off to Gray's to set up our show. Without a doubt the close friendships formed with the girls in my year has enhanced our collective MFA experience as we support each other, offload problems, share our ideas and offer constructive advice. As we set up our show we helped carry each others works in from their cars, shared tools, lent a eye to check that works where level. Lunchtime saw us stopping to eat together and share dishes of food that we had made. By mid afternoon our Show was set up and we were all still smiling! A good omen for our forthcoming Masters Show in August! Comments are closed.
July 2024