The 15th January saw my return to University for a formative review: 6 essay hand-in and exhibition of practical work to date. It seems only yesterday that I began my studies! Thankfully the Christmas holiday and the bad weather gave me quality time to fine tune my essays and mount up the practical work that I was happy to show. On arrival our principal lecturer Iain Irving introduced us the space that we should hang our work then left us to get on with it. This was my classes first experience of working together as a team, hanging out first joint show together. It must be said that my three classmates and myself are all strong, opinionated women: the potential for friction high. Yet to date we all have got along, respect each others standpoints and have bonded as a group. We proved this on this day by collaborating, negotiating, providing assistance and creating a joint and cohesive mini show of work. Comments are closed.
July 2024