GP20, 10am marked the first of many to come one to one tutorials with our new principal lecturer Dr Jon Pengelly. The aim of which was to discuss our work to date, our vision for the forthcoming January exhibition and Master Show in September 2017. The exhibition in January is important as our studio practice will be marked and if all is good we will be awarded our Post Graduate Diploma.
I had much to speak to Jon about having recently met with my specialist tutor David Blyth and the composer David Ward. I was happy to report no shortage of ideas for the works I wished to produce. Even so, I understand the need to be focused and concentrate on what I can manage in the timescale allotted. Thankfully I have developed other ventures to work towards after I graduate. As with my meeting with David, wisdom and texts where shared. I departed Grays yet again a little richer. Comments are closed.
July 2024